Sharepoint Administration

Sharepoint Services

Creating a set of procedures for daily Sharepoint farm administration;
Doing migrations from older Sharepoint versions to newer or from development farms to production farms;
Check if all windows, Sharepoint services and application services are working properly;
Identify bottlenecks, tune them or scale up or out the solution to get a reliable platform;
Check for Sharepoint updates and analyze the conditions to install them;
Analyze and apply Farm configurations based on users requests if are necessary and they don’t introduce any performance or security issues;
Installation of Sharepoint Server/Foundation including setup;
Configure web application authentication (NTLM, Kerberos, Based Form-based), farm services, Application Services;
Integrate the farm with antivirus (Fore Front), Office, Mind Manager, Active Directory and apply iFilters (Adobe Acrobat Reader – only on Sharepoint 2010);
Administrate and trouble shoot application issues and work with Microsoft on problems and incidents resolutions;
Monitor the servers performances, monitor the logs, trouble shoot. We apply patches and service packs.
Assist business users in the creation and management of their team sites;
Work with other IT team members and business customers on SharePoint projects;
Implement the information architecture of your site, sites and subsites, site navigation, web pages, collaboration sites, permissions management strategy.